So way back when, I had a blog. Well, it wasn't really my blog, so much as a group effort. A bunch of law-school friends and I, in an attempt to survive the horror that is law school, thought it would be fun to blog about the ridiculous things we saw and heard (Law students create so many opportunities for this). We were even voted as one of the top ABA law blogs. Or something like that. All I really remember is getting kicked out of the competition because one of our dear bloggers found a loophole with his super techno skills to vote for us 1000 times a day. Give or take. Hence, I have chosen a different name. It probably wouldn't be too hard to figure out though, and I'm not really trying to hide it. It was a ton of fun.
And now, after being a lawyer for 2 years I miss jabbering incessantly about the stupid things I see and do. So here we go again. We'll see if I'm still any good at this. Probably not. Just guessing.